The ADA Forsyth Institute maintains an animal facility to support the Institute’s mission of performing cutting edge research in oral and craniofacial biology. The facility has been in operation since the mid 1960s, when it housed one of the earliest germ-free rodent housing systems. The ADA Forsyth Animal Facility supports the Institute’s work on the forefront of work on the human microbiome, as well as research efforts in oral immunology and mineralized tissue biology.
The current facility occupies a total of 3650 sq ft, including animal holding rooms, procedure spaces, cage wash, IVIS imaging and a germ-free facility. All animals are maintained under SPF conditions, with a sentinel program in place for mouse housing. The facility has been fully accredited by AAALAC since 1977, is registered with USDA and maintains an assurance with PHS. The facility complies with all USDA, OLAW and City of Cambridge requirements.
The animal program is overseen by the Forsyth IACUC, which performs protocol approval and program oversight for both internal and external projects. The IACUC meets six times per year. Contact us at [email protected]. ADA Forsyth endorses the use of the ARRIVE guidelines for reporting animal research.
The animal care program at ADA Forsyth exists to support the research endeavors designed to promote the ADA Forsyth mission.
Services Offered:
- Housing and care of mice and rats
- ADA Forsyth personnel provide full husbandry services including cage caging and washing, feeding, watering and daily care related to husbandry
- Health surveillance and diagnostic services
- Other items available include basic lab equipment including biosafety cabinets, microscopes, weighing scales and other equipment
- Surgical rooms
- Holding rooms
- Procedure rooms
- Surgical microscope
- Germ-free facility
- IVIS and CellVizio imaging units
Additional Information
All animals are maintained under SPF conditions, with a sentinel program in place for mouse housing. The facility has been fully accredited by AAALAC since 1977, is registered with USDA and maintains an assurance with PHS. The facility complies with all USDA, OLAW, and City of Cambridge requirements. The animal program is overseen by the Forsyth institutional animal care and use committee (IACUC), which performs protocol approval and program oversight for both internal and external projects. The IACUC meets six times per year.