Are you interested in being a sponsor for Forsyth dentech 2022? Last year’s inaugural event established Forsyth dentech as an ecosystem for key oral health technology development stakeholders. Sponsorship is wonderful chance to link your brand to this innovative event. Please complete the form below. For questions or more information, please contact: John M. Izzo, Development Manager.
Return to Forsyth dentech 2022 event page.
Sponsorship opportunities
Platinum sponsorship
- Sponsor name(s) on the prize(s) awarded to the teams making the best pitch
- Spotlight use of the company logo on all event materials and advertising and high visibility on both days of the event
- Sponsorship of our pre-event cocktail party, luncheon, and reception
- Participation in our main panel discussion entitled “A Conversation with CEOs,” with the opportunity to make a brief presentation
- Invitation to attend the pre-event cocktail party exclusively for sponsors and start-ups
- Ten tickets to attend the event in person.
- Ability to share information on our event blog, reaching a targeted audience of professionals and academics
- Logo and link on Forsyth website, recognition in the Forsyth e-newsletter and social media campaign, and other communication
Gold sponsorship
- Participation in our main panel discussion entitled “A Conversation with CEOs,” with the opportunity to make a brief presentation
- Sponsorship of our reception after Day 1 of our event
- Invitation to attend the pre-event cocktail party exclusively for sponsors and start-ups
- Eight tickets to attend the event in person.
- Ability to share information on our event blog, reaching a targeted audience of professionals and academics
- High visibility in all event materials and on both days of the event
- Logo and link on Forsyth website, recognition in the Forsyth e-newsletter
Silver sponsorship
- Ability to publish articles and share information in our event blog reaching a targeted audience of professionals and academics
- Invitation to attend the pre-event cocktail party exclusively for sponsors and start-ups
- Six tickets to attend the event in person
- Highlighted in social media, marketing, and public relations campaign and both days of the event
- The opportunity to lead breakout sessions
- Logo and link on the Forsyth event website, recognition in the Forsyth e-newsletter
Bronze sponsorship
- Inclusion in social media, marketing, and public relations campaign
- Invitation to attend the pre-event cocktail party exclusively for sponsors and start-ups
- Logo display on our video screens on both days of the event
- Four tickets to attend the event in person
- Listing and link on the Forsyth event website
Friend of Forsyth
- Included in social media, marketing, and public relations campaign
- Two tickets to attend the event in person
- Listing and link on the Forsyth event website and video screens on both days of the event