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A Q&A with Dr. Chris Ciriello

Preparation for Forsyth dentech 2022 is in full swing. As the deadline to apply to enter the pitch competition gets closer, we thought it would be a good idea to check back with one of last year’s winners, Dr. Chris Ciriello. Chris is the CEO of Cyberdontics, an innovative company in the oral health space.

Among the 18 startup companies selected to participate in the pitch competition last year, at least eight, including Cyberdontics, were able to raise over $32 million in investment funds from the investors who attended the event.

Chris was kind enough to sit down with us for a quick interview. Check out the Q&A below.

Dr. Ciriello’s interview

Can you tell me a little bit about Cyberdontics?

Cyberdontics Inc is at the vanguard of the automated robotic surgery revolution. We are a rapidly scaling, venture-backed startup based across the river from Forsyth in Boston, MA.

Cyberdontics Inc will automate surgery in the $452B dental industry and will be deployed to our clinical partners at Harvard-Forsyth to automate surgeries in patients.

How was your experience of presenting at Forsyth dentech last year?

It was incredible to engage with and learn from the members in attendance and other startup founders.

How has this past year been since you presented at dentech?

It’s been an amazing year. Winning this award helps us close our Series A round of financing. We are still in stealth R&D mode. We are excited to share more about our progress with the industry as we move forward.

Any advice for startups considering applying this year?

Take advantage of this opportunity! 

Why do you feel Forsyth dentech is important for the future of oral health innovation?

The dental startup space is new, particularly on the B2B side of dental venture investing. This means many traditional VCs don’t have the in-house capability to assess new dental startup opportunities. Forsyth solves this problem by bringing expertise, industry connections, and credibility to VCs, enabling them to make informed investments in the dental space and thus funding the technologies that will drive the future of dental care.

Calling all oral health technology innovators!

Last year, competition presenters received over $32 million from investors in attendance. Dentech 2022 is your chance to present your novel oral health technology or business proposal to:

The application deadline for dentech 2022 is August 1, 2022.

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