At ADA Forsyth, we believe oral health is an essential part of overall health at any age. The earlier kids start learning about good oral hygiene, the better equipped they will be to continue healthy habits into adulthood. We hope these resources can serve as a starting point for the whole family to be proactive about their dental care, and have some fun along the way!

Pre-School (Grades PK-K)
Elementary School (Grades 1-5)
An Apple a D(ec)ay English | Spanish
Create a Mouth English | Spanish
Edible Rock Cycle English| Spanish
Egg Tooth Decay English | Spanish
Healthy & Unhealthy Foods English | Spanish
Learn to Floss English | Spanish
Nutrition Game English | Spanish
Peanut Butter Fingers English | Spanish
Plaque Attack English | Spanish
Race to Lose a Tooth English | Spanish
Taste Bud Experiment English | Spanish
Middle & High School (Grades 6-12)
Brushing Calendar (ADA) English | Spanish
Tooth Anatomy (ADA) English
How to Brush (ADA) English | Video (English) | Video (Spanish)
How to Floss (ADA) English | Video (English) | Video (Spanish)
Dental Health in Teens Video (English) | Video (Spanish)
Illegal Drugs & Your Mouth Video (English) | Video (Spanish)
It’s Not Just Cigarettes Video (English) | Video (Spanish)
3D Printing with Baptiste Depalle, PhD Video
Acids VS Bases pH Testing English | Spanish
Biofilm Growth & Control English | Spanish
Egg Tooth Decay English | Spanish
Eggsperiment Video
Extract Your Own DNA English | Video
How Long Does it Take to Stain a Tooth? English | Spanish | Video (English)
How to Extract DNA from a Strawberry English | Spanish
Other Online Resources English